As mamas ourselves, we understand better than anyone how challenging breastfeeding can be. From latching issues and cracked nipples to the emotional toll of a poor milk supply, there’s a myriad of roadblocks new (and seasoned) mamas may face.
That’s why we’re so thrilled to be teaming up with Made to Milk, the ever-growing brain child of Talissa Triffitt. Keep reading to learn more about how her own milk supply struggles led to her creating one of the most well-known and loved lactation brands in Australia, and to get an insight into her products and how she runs her business.

1. Let’s start out with where you’re from?
Originally from the Gold Coast, now settled with my family on Tasmania’s North-West Coast.
2. Tell us a little about you, your family and your motherhood journey.
I come from a big family of 6 children and family is everything to me! I was so excited to begin my own family and I had always dreamed of becoming a mother. I remember at school when asked what I wanted to be ‘when I grow up’, a mother was always top of my list. I have now been blessed with three amazing children – Milly, 7, Banjo, 3, Daisy, 1. Motherhood has definitely been a rollercoaster and is not always all I dreamed it to be but I’ve learnt more about myself in the last 7 years than I ever have and I try not to take it for granted!
3. What was your motivation for starting Made to Milk and how did the brand come to be?
Made to Milk was born out of milk supply issues when I was breastfeeding my first baby. We hit around 5 months and I noticed a dip in my supply. Lactation cookies and products weren’t a big thing at the time and weren’t readily available at local stores so I baked my own. I noticed such a huge difference in my supply after eating them that I just knew I needed to help others going through the same thing!

4. Tell us a bit about your products! Is there one essential that you’d recommend all new mamas have?
There’s so many! In 2019 we created the Antenatal Colostrum Expressing Kit and it’s become one of our most popular products helping mums have peace of mind even before baby is born. Our Lactation Hot Chocolate is also an absolute game-changer and is our best seller.
5. How do you select the ingredients for your lactation products?
We always work extremely hard to find the perfect balance of flavours that breastfeeders and non-breastfeeders alike will love but at the same time giving that incredible milk-boosting punch that our products are known for.
6. What’s next for Made to Milk? What does the future hold?
We have SO many new products coming this year which we are so excited to release! We are so bad at keeping secrets so all of us here in the warehouse and office are busting to release them!

7. What’s one piece of advice you would give to new mothers?
Take one day at a time and give yourself as much grace as you can. The postpartum time is unique and in time you will find yourself again. Go easy! You’re doing the most important job in the world and you are doing the very best you can.
8. Is there anything you wish more women knew about postpartum journeys?
That it is exactly that – a journey. You’re about to find things out about yourself that you never knew existed and discover so much more about yourself. It’s as exciting as much as it is incredibly difficult. You got this.
9. Any advice for mamas on their own business journey or looking to start?
Yes! Just start. Honestly, the amount of women I have chatted with who have incredible ideas but are waiting for things to be perfect to start or feel they need a big $$ investment to begin so they never follow through…just go for it! I started Made to Milk with all our savings at the time ($500!) and I hustled and reinvested all profits until finally the business could stand on its own. Take that leap of faith and see what amazing things you can do otherwise you may forever be taunted by ‘what if’.

10. What do you find most challenging about being a mama? Has this shaped any products in your range?
So many things but in terms of leaning into products within our range, I found that I needed more ‘me time’ than ever and so when I create products I always have that in mind. When the lights go out at the end of the night, kids are in bed & *hopefully* sleeping…what would I love to do? Sit down with a warm drink (or cookie, or mug cake) and put my feet up. Hopefully our products allow mums to do just that…with a milk-boosting bonus.
11. As a business owner, how do you find the time to balance work & family? Any tips that you can share?
I don’t think I have or will ever find the perfect balance between work & family but it is something that I try to achieve. It is especially hard in the early days of starting a business when the hustle is a one man show (all you!). As the years progress I try more and more to be present in the moment – when I’m at work I’m fully focused on work and when I’m home I’m fully focused on being with my loved ones. It’s never perfect and sometimes I get it wrong but I’m ok with that. As long as I’m trying!
12. What’s been the most rewarding part of your motherhood journey?
Watching my little humans laugh and play together fills my heart with so much joy and love. It’s my favourite thing to do and I could watch them all day long!
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